Cedar Class

Cedar Class Learning 25th March 2020

Spelling: Continue to practise the ‘ch’ or ‘tch’ rule. Don’t forget, the ‘t’ protects lonely vowels. Make sure you can remember the rule without having to read it. Try and add 5 more words to your list which follow the rule.

English: Last week you learned how to use speech marks to punctuate direct speech. Today, I would like you to think of a scene from your favourite film or television show. Write down what happens as if you were writing a story about that part of it. Include some speech between some of the characters and punctuate it correctly using speech marks. If you can include some adverbs to describe how the character is speaking I would be very impressed! For example: Todd carefully said…

Maths: Adding money – Today I would like you to practise adding money. You could see what coins there are around the house to help you. Write down some addition problems in your book and try and solve them. You could start off with easier problems like £1.40 + 20p. If you are finding these too easy, you could try some problems where you cross boundaries, but don’t forget, 100 pence is the same as £1.

For example: £1.27 + 98p = ?

You could use a number line to solve this. Start off by doing a jump to £2 (by adding 73p), and then do a final jump from £2 of 25p (because 98p – 73p is 25p) to get the answer of £2.25.

If you are a Y4, please try to do some of the trickier problems.

See the photo below for an example of using a number line.

Arithmetic: Please continue to practise your three times table, and see how well you can solve quick-fire multiplication and division problems using your three times table skills.

Music: What is your favourite genre of music? Write down a paragraph about what you like about it. Are there are genres of music you don’t enjoy? What is it about them that you don’t like? In your writing, make sure to discuss tempo, pitch, and the instruments commonly used in that type of music.

Additional tasks: 20 minutes of daily reading, continual revision of times tables (2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s), red carpet run.