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Elm Class learning 27th March

Happy Friday Elm Class!

Spellings– Can you get some one at home to test you on 10 of the ‘ure’ ending words we have been practicing this week.

English: P4C: What is freedom? Things to think about and discus: Is true freedom possible? When should people be entitled to freedom? Do parts of our daily lives reduce the freedom we have? Are there different views on what true freedom is? (Don’t worry we will come back to newspaper writing next week, building up to writing our final newspaper articles).

Maths: Yesterday, we recapped finding fractions of amounts. Today we are going to revisit our skills of finding percentages of amounts. If you can, I would like you to think about some of the items your family might put on their next weekly shopping list. Write down 6- 10 items. Then think of some percentages off, they might have, and have a go at working these out! I have uploaded an example to the school website if you are stuck, which you can have a go at.

Arithmetic: Weekly test and answers are up on the class webpage.

R.E: Revisit the Easter story and the dates in the Christian church calendar, which are celebrated at Easter time, for example Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. You can discuss these with someone else and if you like record some of the information down in your home learning book in a creative way, to refer back to next week, when we look further at the story.

PSHE: Feel-good Friday! We have been looking at emotional wellbeing and a great idea to support this is to create or think of a list of things you can do at home that make you feel good and make you switch off from everything else. Can you create your own ‘self- care’ list? It might be reading a book, helping with some baking, mindfulness colouring or Lego!

Enjoy a well-deserved rest this weekend and try out some of your things from your self- care list!

Hope you are all well, thinking of you all,
Miss Coates