Rowan Class

Rowan Class Home Learning Monday 23rd March

English:  Reading Comprehension Activity on Predicting.  There is one for Y4 and one for Y5, both contain a text to read, a set of questions for the children to answer and the last slide contains extra information for parents and answers.

Maths Y4: ordering Decimals on Number Lines.

Maths Y5: Writing metric measures using decimals and converting these (e.g. 3.4 kg = 3400g)

Geography:  Can you use the eight-point compass?  Possible activities: draw a treasure map and write instructions to help someone find the treasure; use compass points to write directions for someone to get around your house; set up an obstacle course outside and use compass points to direct a sibling around the course.

Music: Choose a favourite song to listen to.  Why do you like it?  Can you clap along to the beat?  What instruments can you hear?  Can you learn the words?