Cedar Class

Cedar Class Learning 03 APR 2020

Spelling: You should have been looking at the spelling rule of adding ‘s’ or ‘es’ to make a word plural. Get someone at home to see if you can remember the rule and test you on 10 words.

English: If you are still catching up with writing your story, then use today to try and finish it. If you have finished it, try the following:
LO: to improve an author’s writing.

In your reading book, find a page or section of writing which you either really like, or think is a bit dull. I would like you to try and rewrite what the author has wrote but make it better. This could be by adding in some extra adjectives, adverbs, or perhaps even speech. If you are reading a book which has pictures in it, add some writing to explain what the pictures are telling you. If you remember back to when we read Arthur and the Golden Rope, we discussed how sometimes pictures can add detail that the author doesn’t write down. Imagine that you are going to take the picture in your book away, and write down what the picture is telling the reader. Don’t forget that you need to make sure it makes sense as a story still!
When you are done, read what you wrote to someone at home and see if they can tell which version is yours, and which is the original.

Maths: LO: to check my understanding of the 6 times table.
This week for your arithmetic work, you should have been learning and practising your 6 times table. Today, I would like you to get someone at home to give you ten questions around the 6 times table (if everyone at home is busy then you could make up ten for yourself). Make sure that 5 of the questions are multiplication, and five of the questions are for division. (E.g. 3 X 6 =?; 24 ÷ 6 =?).
Don’t forget to keep practising your 3, 4 and 6 times tables whenever you can!

Computing: Carry on with your game design whenever you get a chance.

PSHE: We have all been spending a lot of time indoors lately, so today I would like you to head outside to your garden and try a 5 senses scavenger hunt. Below are some headings, I would like you to find one thing in your garden (or inside too if it’s too cold/raining) for each heading. You could write down what you found in your workbook, make a poster of each item found, or even find a fun way to present it by taking pictures. If you would rather just do the scavenger hunt and enjoy it, that’s also okay. Try and find unusual items which other people may not have in their homes/gardens:

  1. Something smooth,
  2. Something rough,
  3. Something that makes a lot of noise,
  4. Something round,
  5. Something yellow,
  6. Something that came from a plant,
  7. Something that has a strong smell.
  8. Something long,
  9. Something made by humans,
  10. Something soft,
  11. Something that is edible.
  12. Something red,
  13. Something that smells like summertime,
  14. Something cold,
  15. Something sparkly.

Have a great Easter break! – Mr Keeble