Rowan Class

Rowan Learning for Friday 3rd April

English Spelling Dictation: Read this sentence to your child a few times for them to write:  In the final recording session, the technician shouted to the musicians “You’ve got permission to be as loud as possible!”  They score a point for each word spelt correctly, plus bonus points for joined handwriting, capital letter, commas and correct speech punctuation.

English Handwriting Practice: Use the letter join app or copy a piece of text in your best handwriting.  Writing should be joined with letters formed and positioned correctly and consistent in size.  Some of the class are starting to practise writing neatly at speed and using a pen: set a ten minute timer and see how many words they can write neatly within the time.

Maths Weekly Arithmetic Test:  You will find this week’s questions on the class webpage.  Children should have 10 minutes to complete it.  Mark it, then they can spend some time practising questions they got wrong.  At school, we give out house points each week if they can improve their score from the previous week, so perhaps you can find a similar reward for home?  Please comment and let me know if you beat last week’s score.

Computing: Can you publish your Viking newspaper report?  On Purple Mash, you will find newspaper templates in the English section, in 2 Publish Plus.