Oak Class

Oak Class Thursday 14th May

Phonics: Use the sound air to make the words hairy and dairy. Say the words, sound them out, write them down. Use the words in a sentence.

Handwriting: Use https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/ to have a go at handwriting today. Why not try joining the letter a and i to make the ai sound.

Maths: Can you use your hand prints from yesterday to make sets of ten. Work out your tens times table and if you can sing the 10, 20, 30 song from school, that would be amazing! Can you remember it!

Japan: The Japanese create a very special porcelain by painting blue and white pictures of gardens and dragons on plates. Can you have a go at painting your own garden on a paper plate, but only using blue paint! I look forward to seeing some of these amazing creations.

Mrs T