Maple Class

Maple Class home learning for Monday 22nd June 2020

Spelling – a homograph is a word that may have more than one meaning or pronunciation (like bow = the front of a ship or to bend or a knot). Try these words and write a sentence for each meaning: 

Object, saw, desert.

English – this week we are going to learn about riddles. Today play “What am I?” with someone at home. Think of an animal and describe it without saying the name of the animal. Try to give clues about the animal, what does it look like? Where does it live? What does it eat?

Maths – this week we will be collecting data and interpreting it. Today, have a look at the “How Many in One Minute?” page and see what you can do in one minute. Keep a tally and add up the totals at the end. What could you do the most of in one minute? 

Theme – this week we will be learning all about festivals in Mexico. Complete some research about Mexican festivals of your own, or have a look at the following:

  • ‘Cinco de Mayo’ when is it? What does it mean? How do Mexicans celebrate? 
  • When is Mexico Independence Day? How do Mexicans celebrate? 
  • When is the Mexican festival Day of the Dead? How long does it last? How do Mexicans celebrate and remember their loved ones?
  • What is “Semana Santa”? What time of year does it occur? 
  • What is “Las Posadas”? What do children eat during this festival? What do they do? 
  • Who is celebrated during the “Festival de Mexico”? What time of year does it happen? 
  • What are the main holidays celebrated in Mexico?
  • What is the biggest celebration in Mexico?
  • Which religious festivals are celebrated in Mexico?

Thank you, Mrs Keeler