Oak Class

Oak Class Thurs 11th June

Maths: Use the website nrich. Find Activities ages 5-7, Interactive games and select sort the street. If you have anything else that may need sorting at home, try sorting the same things in different ways. You could use toys, Lego blocks, socks or even leaves from your garden.

Literacy: \today I want you to think about things that you can do, and then compare them to animals. You could say, I can run on 2 legs, a dog can run on 4 legs. Write your sentence down and draw a picture to show the differences.

Science: Life Cycle of a Human. Can you find pictures of when you were a baby? Can you find pictures of when you were a toddler? How have you changed?

What were you doing differently? Now compare to how you look and things you can do now! Can you sort the photos in the right order and then have a go at drawing pictures of how you grown and changed.

I can not believe how much we have all changed in the last few months!

Have a great day!

Mrs T x