Cedar Class

Cedar class learning for 16 JUL 2020

English: LO: to create a class charter.

Back at the start of this academic year we created a class charter of all the rules and expectations we had of each other and how we would behave and treat the adults and other children in our class. Today, for your transition activity, I would like you to come up with a proposal for a class charter for your new class when you come back in September. What rules do you think there should be? How do you think the children and adults should behave towards each other? Come up with 5-10 points on your charter to share when you come back to school.

Maths: LO: to tell the time from an analogue clock.

Today I would like you to work on telling the time using a clock. There is a choice of activities today depending on what you have available to you. If you can, I would like you to keep a time diary throughout the day and write down the exact time you do day-to-day events. For example: you might have just sat down and started your school work. In your time diary you would write down the current time and write ‘started school work’ next to the time. If you are unable to do this, or want to do extra work, then below are two different challenge worksheets on telling the time from an analogue clock.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2