Cedar Class

Cedar class learning for 28 APR 2020

English: LO: to identify word classes within a Haiku.

Below are some examples of Haiku poems. Copy them out into your workbook, then use different colour pens/pencils to underline: any verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs. Can you see any metaphors or similes?

Which word class can you see the most often? Do you have any idea why this might be the case? Consider what you found out yesterday about how long haiku poems can be.

1) A fat bee stings me,
It hurts very badly but,

I do not cry though.

2) In the woods they roam,
The wildlife is creeping,
They are living life.

3)The bat flies slowly,
Its wings are like steel curtains,

I wish I could fly.

Maths: LO: to calculate multiples of money.

Today in maths you are going to be able to use a super power: the ability to double any amount of money! Think of an amount of money (or get some coins and count out an amount of money), then use your superpower to double that amount and work out how much money you now have.

For example – if I counted out £1.20 and then used my superpower, I would start by doubling the £1 to get £2, then double to 20p to get 40p. I now have £2.40!

Using real money or drawing out some coins works well for this and will help you if you are finding it tricky. You could always make some money of your own and practise with this. Some board games also have money (Monopoly); you could use this instead.

If you find this too easy you could always upgrade your superpower so that you can triple or even quadruple the amount of money!