British Values

Promoting British Values

In November 2014, the DfE reinforced the need to, “promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect of those with different faiths and beliefs”.


At Mundford & Gooderstone the pupils’ voice is valued and heard because . . .

  • They give the opportunity to share their views through class and school councils. The school council has an annual budget.  They are also involved in the selection process whenever new teaching staff are interviewed.
  • All pupils are asked to complete the Annual Pupil Questionnaire which is then reviewed and informs school improvement planning.
  • Everyone was involved in the selection of our school values and continue to uphold them.

Rule of Law

At Mundford & Gooderstone we develop and reinforce the importance of laws, whether they are class rules, school rules or laws for governing a country, because we . . .

  • Ensure that pupils are involved in the annual review of our behaviour policy, so that expectations are clear and fair.
  • Teach the value and reasons behind rules and laws that govern and protect us e.g. rules on the adventure playground, highway code keep us safe. Pedestrian Training, Cycling Skills, Bikeability, visits from Police and Fire Service help reinforce this.

Individual Liberty

At Mundford & Gooderstone, pupils are encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.  To promote individual liberty we . . .

  • Support pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour and respect the rights of others
  • Model freedom of speech through pupil participation while ensuring protecting vulnerable children.
  • Challenge stereotypes
  • Have zero tolerance for identity based prejudices and the name calling that accompanies this.
  • Support the sale of Fairtrade products – we are a Fairtrade School
  • Ensure pupils understand how to exercise rights and personal freedoms whilst staying safe – through eSafety and PSHE lessons.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with Different Faiths & Beliefs

Mundford & Gooderstone are rural villages in Norfolk which do not have cultural diversity within their immediate area.  Therefore it is essential that we make the most of opportunities to promote diversity with our pupils through what we teach in class and through discussions during worship.  We . . .

  • Help pupils to respect and understand their own cultures as well as those of others.
  • Challenge prejudice and discriminatory language and behaviour
  • Organise visitors from other faiths / faith communities.
  • Have a fully inclusive attitude towards all faiths and beliefs as a Church of England Academy.