Remote Learning

Across the federation, we use Google Classroom to provide our remote learning provision.

Google Classroom is an online platform connected to the Google workspace. In order to access this, every child has been provided with a Google account with an ‘’ email address. With this, they will be able to access a virtual classroom managed by their class teacher.

The virtual classroom will contain the remote learning tasks. Class teachers are able to set a variety of tasks using tools provided by Google, and post material for the children to view, watch and read in order to facilitate their learning. Work is posted for the children under its corresponding heading. E.g., the English tasks will be contained within an English category, maths in another, and so on.

Posted work falls into one of several categories:

Assignment – a post that contains instructions or learning materials, with a task to complete. When completing the task, you can choose to do so by using digital means (Google Docs, Word, etc.) and uploading it as an attachment to your response, or by completing it using a paper and pen and scanning photos onto the submission.

Quiz assignment – a post that contains an online quiz, to be completed on Google Classroom.

Question – a post which is a question posed by your teacher. You can reply with your answer using Google Classroom.

Material – a post which contains material to view and watch; no submission of work is required on these posts unless asked for by your teacher.

Tasks will have a deadline for submission which will be stated on the task. Once the deadline has passed, teachers will view the work submitted by you.

Work may be graded or ungraded, with teachers using their discretion on how to grade items of work. Teachers will respond to work or questions asked by using the ‘private comments’ section on a post.

If you are new to using Google Classroom we recommend you take some time to watch the following Student Tutorial to get to know the learning platform.

Google Classroom is widely used and there are many tutorials on YouTube that will help you for any aspect you are struggling with. Below we have included some links to help with frequently asked questions.

How do I upload a photo to an assignment?

How do I use Google Classroom on an Ipad?

How do I complete assignments on Google Classroom?