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Elm Class Monday 27th April 2020

Suggested learning Elm Class.

I hope you all enjoyed the fabulous weather over the weekend, Mrs Dale and I are missing you all very much!

Spellings: This week, I would like you to look at words ending cian, tion and sion. The rules for adding these suffixes to a root word are as follows:

 –tion is the most common spelling. It is used if the root word ends in t or te. –ssion is used if the root word ends in ss or –mit. 

–sion is used if the root word ends in d or se. 

Exceptions: attend – attention, intend – intention.

 –cian is used if the root word ends in c or cs.

Can you split your page in 3 and find example words which end in either of these suffixes?

Arithmetic: BODMAS! (I’m sure you and family members would love to see the youtube video on how to remember the order of Bodmas- I will link it below!) 

Can you have a go at these questions?

12 x 4 – 3=

(6 x 3) – 7 x 2 =

5 + 2²- 3=

100 – (15 x 5)=

Grammar: We will be looking at more word classes this week! Today I would like us to recap common nouns and proper nouns! A proper noun is a particular name of something- this could be a person’s name, a place name, a business name for example, and so these words require a capital letter! Common nouns do not need a capital letter, unless at the beginning of the sentence, and these types of noun are objects that are not specific, for example girl, dog, ball. Can you find examples of these in your reading book and write them down?

English:  Please read chapters 13 (Carol Singing) and 14 (New beginnings) of Goodnight Mister Tom. 

When you have read these. Consider and discuss how much Willie has changed. Why do you think he has changed this much? Has Mister Tom changed at all? Why?      

Maths: Today we are starting our next topic in Maths- Money! Can you discuss with someone at home or write down what you know about money so far? Why do we need money? What might we need money for? Where does money come from? Should you spend or save money? How might be a good way of saving? What is a budget? 

To get our topic this week started, I would like you to have a go at the money maze! (See link- or type NRICH money maze into google and this will come up. Can you find the route which leaves you with the most money at the end? Can you find the route through the maze, which leaves you with the least money at the end?

Topic: Our weekly focus on Japan this week is festivals! I have suggested some activities on the following post and linked these to the class webpage which are suitable for a Year 5/6 class but can also be done by younger children with some help. 

Choose the activities you would most like to do and present them creatively! You can present your work however you like, for example, in the form of artwork, a scrapbook, a PowerPoint.

I look forward to seeing your wonderful work and any work you do, I would love to see a photo of on this thread!

Take care,

Miss Coates.