Oak Class

Oak Class Friday 24th April

It’s feel good Friday! I can hear the weekend calling! What a busy week!

Phonics: wh sound. Use the words whale and wheel in a sentence. Write the sentence, read it back and check that you have got those finger spaces for smiley faces😃, a full stop dot at the end and a capital clap at the beginning!

It has been lovely to see so many pictures of your writing at home! With that in mind I think we could do some handwriting, so log on to Letter Join ( home.www.letterjoin.co.uk) with the school Log in and have a go at letters c, o , and a.

Maths: Using language relating to time can you use the words before, after, next, later in simple saying sentences, if you can write them down even better, but there is a lot or writing today so perhaps get an adult to write it down. Try sentences like, before I go to bed I clean my teeth.

Japan topic: Can you find out what sort of plants and trees grow in Japan? Then can you find any that are the same in your garden? Can you find different leaves and work out what trees they come from? You could make a picture of all the different leaves you find.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs T, Missing you