Oak Class

Oak Class Thursday 30th April

We have made it through April! Well done everyone.

Phonics: Use the er sound to make the words stranger and danger. Can you use the words in a sentence?

I am seeing some amazing handwriting and fantastic stories! Thank you everyone! Lets keep it going!Handwriting: Use letterjoin to help you with the letter formation of e and b.

Maths: Today I would like you to play shops. Use some toys and write how much each would be, make a label for each toy. Can you add up what 2 or 3 of your toys would cost.

Japan: Tanabata, or the star festival is where people write their wishes on small colourful pieces of paper and hang them on bamboo branches. What would your wishes be? Ask your family to think of their wishes too. You could hang them on a tree when the weather gets better!

Have a great day everyone!

Mrs T