Rowan Class

Rowan Class Thu 2nd April

English:  Write a newspaper report about the Viking raid on Lindisfarne.  See yesterday’s resources if you need help.

Maths: Choosing the most suitable measuring units for different situation.  What would be the most suitable units for measuring: the length of the garden, your height, the weight of a toy, the milk needed for breakfast, the petrol in the car, the flour to make a cake … etc.  Y4 children should be confident with metric units and Y5s should also start to recognise uses of common imperial units (e.g. pounds, pints, miles & inches).  There are To Dos on Purple Mash to supplement this.

P4C: Leading on from last week’s questions about whether it was right to invade someone just because they are weaker than you, talk about this: Should we compete against someone just because we know we are better than them?  Is there the same satisfaction in winning if you opponent is weaker than you?

PE/PSHE:  Create a poster about how to be a good winner and a good loser.