Cedar Class

Cedar class learning for 19 May 2020

English: LO: to create informative slides.

Yesterday you created titles for your slides. Today, you will be putting the information onto your slides. A slideshow shouldn’t have lots and lots of writing on each slide, otherwise the audience just end up reading what you are presenting and not listening to you! So, work out exactly what you are going to be presenting on each slide and then write down the key points.

For example, on my slide about what I like about Brownies, the information written on the slide might look like this:

– Can be made with milk, dark or white chocolate.

– Cheap to make.

– Fun to make.

– Can have different toppings and special ingredients mixed in.

– Delicious!

– Best brownie: Chocolate orange.

To make your slides more interesting you could choose a fun font (style of writing) or write in a different colour. Tomorrow we will be making our slides a bit more interesting to look at.

Maths: LO: to use position and direction.

Yesterday you looked at what position and direction mean in maths. Today, I want you to try and use your mathematical vocabulary to instruct someone how to move around your house.  Find a partner, and then try and get them from one part of your house to another. Use vocabulary like: turn 90 degrees left, step forward once, step right once, etc. Try and give your partner all of the steps at once to see if you manage to instruct them correctly; try not to get them to walk into any walls!

If you want a real challenge, and it is safe to do this, you could ask your partner to put on a blindfold and trust you to move them from once place to another; just stay clear of any stairs and trip hazards!