Cedar Class

Cedar Class learning for 7th May 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we looked at adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Get someone to test you with 3 questions on each to see how well you can now do this.

English: LO: to use clear instructions.

Today I would like you to test just how clear you instructions you created yesterday were. I would like you to read your written instructions to someone in your home and see if they can create an origami swan from you words. You can show them any pictures you left included in your instructions, but can’t add any extra words. Could they follow what you said and make a swan? If not, why not? Make your instructions more clear if you need to and try again.

Maths: LO: to solve problems and puzzles.

How do you play?
You’ll need a partner to play with.
You’ll also need a 1 to 6 dice and a grid like the attached picture.

Take turns with your partner to throw the dice and draw that number of dots in one of the boxes on the grid – you can draw in one of the boxes your partner has already put some dots in. Put all of your dots in one of the boxes. You can’t split them up and you can’t have more than six dots in a box. When a box is full (it has 6 in), you could put a tick in the corner like in the second picture.

Keep going until there are three ticks in a row or column or diagonal. The winner is the person who puts the last tick.

Now, can you change the game to make your own version?