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Elm Class Learning Monday 1st June 2020

Welcome back Elm Class, hope you all had a wonderful half term and enjoyed some of the beautiful weather!

Spellings: This week, we are continuing to look at different prefixes we can add to words. Extending on from the week before half term, this week I would like you to look at the prefixes ‘inter, super, anti and auto’. Can you find what these prefixes mean and how they change the meaning of the words? Today, can you find some examples of each?

Arithmetic: This week, we will be looking at rounding. Remember with rounding, you look at the column to the right of the one you are rounding. If this is 5 or greater, you round the number up, if this is 0-4, the number will remain the same. If you need some extra help with this, the video attached will explain more.

Can you have a go at rounding these numbers?

1) 324,534 rounded to the nearest 100.

2) 23,552 rounded to the nearest 10.

3) 405,209 rounded to the nearest 100,000.

4) 347,988 rounded to the nearest 10,000

5) 34.773 rounded to the nearest tenth.

6) 98.332 rounded to the nearest whole number.

Grammar: This week we are going to focus on semi- colons. A semi-colon is a punctuation mark that is used to separate two independent (main) clauses that are closely related. A main clause is part of the sentence that could standalone as a sentence itself. Using lots of full stops doesn’t always allow your writing to flow, whereas a semi-colon allows you to join some of your sentences together.

For example: Tom reads novels; his friends read comics.

Can you add semi- colons to the sentences below, in-between the two main clauses? You should be able to spot where there could be a break in the sentence, where a full stop could go, but today we are adding a semi colon!

1) Our goal was to run 8 miles we only ran four.

2) Climbing a mountain shouldn’t be done when it is raining the rocks become slippery.

3) I love reading today I read eight chapters!

4) The sun is shining today and it is going to be very hot we have decided to go to the beach.

English: Today, to kick start our final half term, is Mrs Godbold’s writing challenge! I am very much looking forward to seeing what you come up with. This title to this piece of writing is ‘Gravity’!

Story starter:

Dear diary,

It has now been 2 years since we moved here. Leaving Earth was tough, but we are beginning to feel more at home with every single week that passes.

When we came to our new home, we were allowed to bring everything with us from our Earth homes. It still feels a bit strange though. Life without gravity really takes some getting used to!

Can you continue the diary?

What is gravity? Can you include descriptions of what it is like to live without it?

Where is it that you now live? How is it different from your previous life? How do you spend your time? Do you prefer living in your new home?

Below you will see the picture which links to this piece of writing, where everything is very different in a life without gravity!

I have uploaded a full PDF of this write with some extra writing prompt questions if you are stuck on the school website. If you do not finish this, do not worry, you will have some time on Wednesday to go back to this- finish and edit it.

Maths: This week our focus in Maths is measurement- looking at length, mass and capacity. I have attached the weekly list of activities, which contain a mixture of practical and printable activities. I am looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful Maths work! (This full list will be attached as a word document to the class webpage that you can refer to for the week, if this is easier). All printable activities will be linked to the class webpage.

Topic: For the next two weeks, we will be focussing on the human body. Today, we are starting this topic by looking at the heart! Did you know that your heart beats around 100,000 times a day! Could you create your own fact file about the heart? This could be a poster, magazine article, Power Point, however you would like to present it! I have attached a sheet the class webpage of the heart, you may like to use this as part of your research! Can you label the parts of the heart?

Other questions to research or think about:

What is the role of the heart in the human body?

How does the heart work?

How does the blood travel around the body?

Which side of heart receives the deoxygenated and which side pumps out the oxygenated blood?

What separates the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart?

I have attached a power point with some information you may like to use to the class webpage on the human circulatory system and these websites are also useful below for finding out more information about our heart!

I look forward to seeing what you have found out!

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Coates.