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Elm Class learning Tuesday 12th May

I am loving all of the wonderful work you are sending me, so if you have any more examples, please send them across!

Spellings: This week, our spelling rule looks at using hyphens to join a prefix onto a word. A hyphen is often used to join a prefix to a root word when both the prefix ends in a vowel and the root word begins in a vowel. We are going to focus on words that begin with the prefix ‘co’ and ‘re’. Can you create a list of spellings that you find or think of that begin with these prefixes and a hyphen, for example: re-enter.

Your spelling task today: Can you practice some of the words you found yesterday, which fit the rule? You could use the look, say, cover, write check method, or get someone at home to call out a word and you have to write it down as fast as you can and show them!

Arithmetic: This week, linking to our new Maths topic this week of multiplication and division, I would like you to practice your short and long multiplication skills. Can you have a go at the questions below?

43 x 5 =

24 x 8=

67 x 7=

234 x 6=

128 x 8 =

453 x 9=

124 x 23=

745 x 32=

156 x 8=

If you need a recap on long multiplication, the video below will help remind you of the method.

Grammar: This week, we are going be looking at fronted adverbials, another way to add more information to a sentence. Last week, if you can remember, we looked at using parenthesis to expand our sentences. A fronted adverbial is a word, phrase or clause at the beginning of a sentence that gives more details about the time, place, frequency, possibility or manner of the action in the main clause. We always use a comma after a fronted adverbial to mark it from the main clause. Today I would like you to think about adverbials of time. These fronted adverbials show when something happened, for example after dinner, later that afternoon, at night. Your challenge today: Can you add a fronted adverbial of time to the beginning of each of these sentences?

1. _________Sheila ate her breakfast.

2. ___________Jack cleaned his teeth and got ready for bed.

3.____________we went to Spain for a holiday.

4.____________we ate a delicious dessert.

5.____________Ryan did some warm-up exercises.

6._____________Ben and Holly ate popcorn.

7._____________Phoebe started to cry.

8._______________Dad burnt his hand.

English: On Friday we have our chat with the author of Varjak Paw and Phoenix! (See Miss Stanley’s post for more details!)

Therefore, this week we are going to do some work on authors. Today I would like you to write a profile about your favourite author. Research them and find out how they got into writing. Why are they your favourite author?

Maths: Tuesday: We often use our multiplication skills in the kitchen! When using a recipe, it may not always be for the number of people you are cooking or baking for, so in order to make the recipe bigger or smaller, you may need to multiply or divide the amount of each ingredient. Here, you are using something in Maths known as proportion. As the number of people increases, the proportion of each ingredient increases. Can you find a recipe at home that says for 2 or 4? Can you multiply the ingredients for a group of 6, 8 or 12 people? Maybe your recipe is for four and you only need it for two people? If you can, see if you can have a go at the sheet I have attached to the class webpage, which looks at ingredients for different recipes and working out the ratio and proportion of ingredients you need for different amounts of people or number of the bake required. You don’t need to print this off, just have a look at the questions and record your answers. I have attached a bronze, silver and gold activity for you to choose from, which include the answers at the end for you to check back against your own answers.

Topic: This week, we will be looking into Japanese art. Can you research something different today about Japanese art? Or create your own piece of artwork?

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Coates.