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Elm Class Monday 11th May 2020

Elm Class learning, welcome back to Monday! I hope you enjoyed some of the beautiful sunshine at the weekend!

Spellings: This week, our spelling rule looks at using hyphens to join a prefix onto a word. A hyphen is often used to join a prefix to a root word when both the prefix ends in a vowel and the root word begins in a vowel. We are going to focus on words that begin with the prefix ‘co’ and ‘re’. Can you create a list of spellings that you find or think of that begin with these prefixes and a hyphen, for example: re-enter.

Arithmetic: This week, linking to our new Maths topic this week of multiplication and division, I would like you to practice your short and long multiplication skills. Can you have a go at the questions below?

34 x 9 =

53 x 7 =

65 x 4=

45 x 39=

72 x 26=

243 x 21=

124 x 87 =

If you need a recap on long multiplication, the video below will help remind you of the method.

Grammar: This week, we are going be looking at fronted adverbials, another way to add more information to a sentence. Last week, if you can remember, we looked at using parenthesis to expand our sentences. A fronted adverbial is a word, phrase or clause at the beginning of a sentence that gives more details about the time, place, frequency, possibility or manner of the action in the main clause. We always use a comma after a fronted adverbial to mark it from the main clause. Your challenge today:

Can you add a comma in the correct place of each sentence to mark the fronted adverbial?

a)     Baffled by the mathematical problem the professor felt frustrated.

b)     Under the bridge the misunderstood troll waited patiently for his goat friends.

c)     Once a year the people put on their costumes and partied at the carnival.

d)     Before the holidays the Y6 pupils had a farewell celebration at their junior school.

e)     Almost certainly Eva’s team would win the upcoming sports day.

English: Read chapter 16 (The Search) and chapter 17 (Rescue) of Goodnight Mister Tom. Again, these chapters are very sad, if you need to read a bit and skip a bit, that is ok.

Maths: Welcome back to Monday! Today our next topic in Maths is multiplication and division! To get your brains straight into your multiplication and division knowledge, I would like you to have a go at playing countdown! (See the picture guide below).

All you’ll need to do, is to create some number cards (2 sets of 1-9) and on a different colour- a 25, 50 and 100. Can you get another member of your family to choose a number for you to make using the numbers they have given you? You may not be able to make the actual answer, but how close could you get?

Or you could play a Maths card game? (See the picture below) Can you make the number you are given with the cards you are dealt, using the different operations- + – x ÷? Can an adult make it harder for you? Can you achieve a 3 digit number or close, using the numbers you are given and the four operations.

Topic: This week, we will be looking into Japanese art. Can you research different forms of art traditions in Japan? Can you create your own Japanese inspired piece of artwork? I have uploaded some ideas to the top of the page.

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Coates.