Cedar Class

Cedar class learning for 12 JUN 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we looked at counting forwards and backwards in different multiples. Get someone at home to give your random multiples to count forward and backward from 5 random numbers and see how quickly you can answer them.

English: LO: to practise grammar skills.

The final English task for the week is also on grammar skills. Like yesterday, if you can print off the following to work on, then please do so. I have also placed the below work on a Word document on the class website to make printing more easy for you. If you don’t have access to a printer, you could copy the sentences out first which would give you a chance to practise your handwriting!

Common noun = person, place or thing that doesn’t need a capital letter e.g. woman, sweet, tablet, city.

Proper noun = person, place or name of something that starts with a capital letter e.g. Bob, Mr Keeble, Norfolk.

Adjective = describing word.

Verb = doing word.

Adverb = Describes the verb (doing word) e.g. Swam quickly, hopped slowly.

Task one

Write four common nouns beginning with P


Write four proper nouns beginning with P


Task two

Write an adjective next to each letter:-

I           _____________         

J           _____________

K          _____________

L          _____________

M         _____________

N         _____________

O         _____________

P          _____________

Task three

Circle the verbs and underline the adverbs in these sentences

  1. Jack quickly dribbled passed his opponent.
  • Finlay kindly stacked the chairs in year 3.
  • Catherine neatly brushed her hair.
  • Rosie accurately scored 3 goals in netball.
  • Joseph swiftly ran the 100m race.
  • Mya carefully carried in her 8 teddy bears to school.
  • Harriet played the piano sweetly.
  • Sarah skilfully sewed her puppet.
  • Stacey cleverly solved the maths problem.

Maths: LO: to use multiplication and reasoning skills.

For today’s investigation I would like you to use your multiplication and reasoning skills using the below PDF worksheet. The last 2 questions use the bar model; we used this in our fractions work last term. Once you have completed the questions, you could challenge yourself by choosing a random even number and creating a bar model for it where you break it into 2 or 4 parts.

Topic: LO: to investigate the human body.

Today is the last day of our science focus on the human body. Use today’s topic session to research anything which you find particularly interesting, or something which the past 2 weeks of work have made you wonder about. What amazing things can you find out about the human body which not many people might know about?

Present your findings in an interesting way and share them with someone at home. Did they know what you had found out? If you want to practise your presentation skills we learned last week, you could create paper or PowerPoint slides of your findings.