Maple Class

Maple Class home learning for Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Spellings – to indicate possession by a person or an object, add an apostrophe (‘) followed by an ‘s’ (like horse=horse’s, Jenny=Jenny’s). Try these words and put into sentences: 

Peter, car, shoe, Sarah, office, bird

English – read a book, or some pages, of your favourite book. Can you ask someone to film you and post it on the Maple Class post? Explain to someone else why it is your favourite book.

Maths – can you compare the lengths of different items today. Pick a selection of objects from around your home and pair them up. Measure each one and then record which is greater than/ less than the other. Remember to use the > and < symbols. 

Theme – ‘The Digestive system’. Can you research the different parts of the digestive system and draw and label a diagram? The website has a good webpage if you visit the science -biology – digestive system section. There’s also a quiz to have a go at! 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.