Maple Class

Maple Class home learning for Tuesday 9th June 2020

Spelling – prefixes can be added to words to create new words. Prefixes ending in vowels are added directly to words (like re + move = remove, de + frost = defrost). Try these words and put into sentences: 

Tri + angle, kilo + metre, para + chute, tele + vision

English – today can you practise writing some of the Year 2 common exception words, making sure to join all the letters carefully and correctly. Practise the words you are not confident at spelling. You could challenge yourself to write some sentences using as many of the Year 2 words as possible. Remember to concentrate on your handwriting and the careful joining. 

Maths – today’s maths investigation is to complete the 100 square jigsaw. Can you design your own for someone else in your family? Can you make a similar puzzle, starting at 101 to 200? 

Theme/Science – “The brain”. Why is your brain so important? Can you draw the shape of a brain and draw or write inside all the things your brain helps you to do. It’s important to have brain breaks and give your brain some exercises. Look at the ‘Brain Break Exercises’ and try some of the challenges. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler