Maple Class

Maple Class learning for Thursday 19th March 2020

Phonics – we are learning to use the ‘o’ sound (like in cold, both, most) by writing our own sentences with ‘o’ words. 

Spellings – adding -es to words ending in ch, sh, s, ss, x or z to make the plural, and then use the words correctly in a sentence. 

Maths – we are looking at finding half of an object, shape or number. 

English – we are writing our own version of the story ‘Wild’ by Emily Hughes, from the wild girls point of view. Where would she want to live? Who would she be friends with? What does she do during the day? 

RE – what do Christians do to celebrate Easter? Where do they go? What do they eat? Do you celebrate Easter in your family? What traditions do you have? 

Art – complete an observational  drawing of your favourite toy. Remember to include lots of detail and colour.

Additional – read school book, practise 5 x tables, explore Pixl times table app and practise the two times tables. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler