Maple Class

Maple Class home learning for Monday 8th June 2020

Spelling – CAPITAL LETTERS are used at the beginning of names and places (like luke = Luke, brisbane = Brisbane). Try these words and put into sentences:

donald, brandon, timothy, thetford, norwich, freya.

English – this week we are going to focus on our handwriting. Can you write the letters of the alphabet, in both upper and lower case, making sure you form them correctly? 

Maths – this week is “Maths Investigation” week (see Miss Brown’s post with additional information). Today, try the “Noah” problem. 

Noah saw 12 legs walk by into the ark.

How many creatures could he have seen?

How many different answers can you find?

Can you explain how you found out these answers?

What about if Noah saw 24 legs? Or 48 legs? Or 49 legs?

Theme/Science – “The five main senses”. Can you identify your five senses? Draw the parts of the body associated with each sense and write a sentence to describe your favourite example for each one (e.g. draw a nose and label with the sense of smell. “My favourite smell is cinnamon”.) Visit the BBC Bitesize website for video clip, activity and senses quiz (bbc bitesize – primary – ks1 – Science – human body – senses).

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.