Hazel Class

Passport to the World!

This half term, our topic of Passport to the World! The children have asked some fantastic questions about this topic which we’ll be answering soon.

In our English lessons, we’re going to reading Anna Hibiscus by Atinuke, using our drama and role play skills to truly understand the story as well as having a go at writing some poetry.

In History, we’re learning about famous explorers and how they have impacted the world we live in as well as the wonderful things they have taught us. We’re going to learning about Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong, the Wright Brothers, Edith Cavell and Queen Elizabeth II.

During our PATHS and PSHE lessons,.  We’re going to be delving in a bit deeper into the feeling ‘worry’ as well as exploring ways we can keep in control of our feelings.

In Geography we’re going to remind ourselves of the continents and oceans, as well as what makes the United Kingdom.  

In Science, we’re going to be exploring materials and having a go at lots of experiments to answer our investigation questions!  We need to think about how to be excellent scientists to make sure that our data is accurate and reliable!

In Art, we’re going to learning about printing and sculpture, we’re going to find out about a famous artist named Barbara Hepworth and will be having a go at creating our own sculpture in her style.


In R.E, our new enquiry question is: What do my senses tell me about the world of religion and belief?