Thursday 27th June – Mundford Sports Day

On Thursday all pupils took part in the annual sports day at Mundford! The morning consisted of different activities including a water race, obstacle course, hoopla, bean bag throwing and bowling! In the afternoon parents and carers joined us to watch the children race each other in a sprint and an egg and spoon race.

We also held a toddler and parents race! 

Overall winners were Vikings with 1970 points! Everyone tried their best and were a credit to themselves and to the school!

Northwold Football Tournament

On Wednesday 12th June, 18 budding footballers took to the annual Northwold Football Tournament, playing against local schools. Mundford Blues team won their group and went into the semi-finals, but unfortunately lost 1-0. Mundford Yellows played some brilliant football and scored some fantastic goals and came 3rd in their group.

All children we took were absolutely fantastic and were incredibly supportive of each other and other teams.

Federation Day – 7th December 

On Thursday Elm and Sycamore were joined by Kestrels from Gooderstone for a Federation Day! The day was filled with lots of activities and fun. It was also a great opportunity for the children to mix together. Miss Stanley and Miss Spearpoint lead English and Maths activities in the morning and Mr Brotherhood lead a large Netball tournament in the afternoon! The three classes are looking forward to getting together again next term!