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Monday 29th June 2020 Elm Class learning

Good Morning Elm Class, welcome back to Monday! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend and feel refreshed for the week!
Spellings: Today we are going back to practicing words with suffixes ‘cial and tial’.
Use -cial after a vowel, like after the vowel ‘o’ in social, ‘e’ in special, ‘i’ in beneficial
Use -tial after a consonant, especially, after ‘n’ in substantial, essential, and ‘r’ in partial  
See if you can use these rules to complete the activity I have attached to the post below, but remember there are some exceptions! Can you get an adult to check your answers or you could use the internet to check you have the correct spellings!

Arithmetic: This week we are going to continue to looking at multiplying fractions, but include mixed number fractions and multiplying these by larger numbers. All you have to remember is to change the mixed number fraction into an improper fraction first and then multiply the numerator (top of the fraction) by the whole number.
Mixed number: A whole number and a fraction combined into one mixed number for example:
2 1/3
Improper fraction: A fraction where the numerator (the top number) is greater than or equal to the denominator (the bottom number). … Example: 5/3 (five thirds) and 9/8 (nine eighths) are improper fractions.
Can you have a go at these questions below? You can leave your answer as an improper fraction, but if you are feeling really brave, can you convert your answer back to a mixed number?
1 2/3 x 24=
2 1/5 x 15=
2 2/9 x 45=
2 1/3 x 23=
Grammar: This week, we are going to focus on parenthesis. Parenthesis adds more detail to a sentence. The parenthesis clause can be taken out of the sentence and the original sentence would still make sense. Relative clauses, which we looked at last week are an example of parenthesis. Relative clauses start with the pronouns who, which, that or whose, whereas parenthesis can be anything, which adds more information in the sentence to the noun. Can you pick out the parenthesis in these sentences below?

Queen Victoria’s reign spanned over 64 years 1837-1901, she became queen when she was just 18 years old.
Chapter 13 pages 22-28 will give you more information about the planet Mars.
I walked through the park and sat down to eat my cheese and pickle sandwiches this was not my favourite filling but it would have to do.

English:  – L.O: To practise taking notes.
Today, I would like you to have a look back at chapter 8, starting with a great description of the deadly yellow spotted lizard! Today you are going to take notes on the yellow-spotted lizard and then plan a non-chronological report about it. Think carefully about your non-chronological report and the audience which you would be writing for. Miss Stanley will upload today two stories which are actually non-chronological reports even though they don’t sound like it. What makes these different? Are they more engaging than normal non-chronological reports?
As an extra challenge you could plan to write your non-chronological reports in this way.
Below is a feature list for a normal non-chronological report- do the two books have all of the features? Why/ Why not?
Could you begin to plan out your non- chronological report, ready to write tomorrow?

Maths: L.O- I can compare and classify 2D shapes.
This week, our focus in Maths is shape, have a look at today’s activities suggested below, looking at the properties of 2D shapes.

 Topic: Our weekly focus for this week is culture and tradition.
Suggested activities for the week:
• Learn some numbers/ greetings in Spanish. There are some great videos on YouTube for this and the free language learning app Duolingo has a course in Spanish (this app is excellent!).
• Mexican Spanish is slightly different to Spanish from mainland Spain, can you find out more about this?
• Research the traditional sports of Mexico and present these as a poster or try some yourself (unless they are dangerous!)
• Try some Mexican food. There are lots of Mexican dishes in our local supermarkets!
• Research the main religions in Mexico.
• Research the Mayans! What happened to them? Have they influenced any of modern Mexico?
• Research the clothing in Mexico and design your own traditional outfit.
• In England we have the monarchy and government. Is this the same as Mexico? Do they have any laws which are different?
• Is there anyone who is famous who was born in Mexico?
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Coates.