Mundford Church of England Primary Academy

Oak Class

Welcome to the Oak Class page! Please find below lots of information about what we have been learning about at school and ways to help your child at home.

What does Oak Class look like?

Oak Class Little Learners

How can I support my child at home?

Learning to read is a vital part of your child’s educational journey, and is one we will be working on everyday in school. In Oak Class, we send home two books with your child. One is from our reading scheme, and will be chosen to support your child’s phonological needs.

Initially, these books will be picture books with no words. We ask you to talk with your child about what they can see, and what they think might be happening. Can they make up a story to match the pictures?

What might happen next? As we learn more phonemes in class, and develop our skills at blending and segmenting sounds, we will send home books with words that match and can support the children to develop their independence with reading. The second book is a book for pleasure reading. This will be chosen by your child and will be one they would like to share at home. This can be read by others at home to encourage your child to listen carefully to stories. We aim to change these books weekly. Please read the attached article entitled “Top tips to support your child’s reading at home” for further ideas
and advice.


Learning to count and being familiar with numbers is also a big focusfor us in Oak Class. Daily we will explore numbers and patterns to build upon our confidence. We encourage you to do the same at home.

  • What numbers can you find at home?
  • How many different numbers do you see on your way to school?
  • Can you count your favourite toys?
  • Which numbers are special to you? How old are you? What is your house number?

Please look at the attached link “Helping your child learn how to count” for more information and ideas.

Mundford Junction

Mundford junctions are an opportunity for family and friends to visit the class and experience a lesson. They provide a flavour of what it is like to be a learner in Oak Class. Please read the below feedback from our parents about our junctions.

What are the Early Learning Goals?



Transition 2024